Thursday 30 January 2020

Equal sharing

Division at foundation stage has a focus on EQUAL SHARING with key language of ‘SHARE EQUALLY BETWEEN’. This is often the first experience of division for the children, but it is not the only structure and is not the model used for representing the division symbol.

The students shared toffees equally amongst them. Sharing equally is the important idea here.

Tips for parents: Kindly make your ward practice sharing of objects among 3-4 persons too.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Sequencing- Using vocabulary

As a part of English Curriculum, the concept of drawing in sequence was given using the vocabulary words-‘First, Then, Next and Last’.
The students drew a picture in 4 steps and spoke the sequence in which they drew.
For eg. To draw a cat:
1. FIRST draw a circle.
2. THEN draw ears.
3. NEXT draw eyes nose and mouth.
4. LAST draw hair and whiskers.

The vocabulary words used: First, Then, Next, Last.

Kindly follow the link for more 4 steps drawings.


As a part of Maths Curriculum, the concept of ‘Doubles’ was given. Cube towers were made and the students have to come and choose pairs that are the same length and were asked how many cubes there are altogether. This activity was repeated with toffees and the students were asked about each toffees and what double that number is.
For eg. 2 and 2 make 4
3 and 3 make 6
4 and 4 make 8 and so on...

Vocabulary used: and, make

Counting groups

As a part of Maths curriculum, ‘Counting groups’ concept was given. Early multiplying involves equal grouping of objects and counting the groups (linked to repeated addition), so the language is ‘4 groups of 2’. This will lead on to the use of the multiplication or ‘times’ symbol x, which can replace ‘group of’.
Children were asked to make group of 2, 3, 4 and 5. They counted the the number of groups and the total number of students in each group.

Monday 27 January 2020

Finding out about Food

As a part of Science curriculum, recapitulation of the different senses (taste, hearing, sight, touch and smell) was done by providing few eatables like chocolate and biscuits. The students were called in a group and asked to take 1 piece and describe it as following:
1. It feels hard/ smooth/ rough/ shiny/ sticky.
2. It smells good/ bad/ chocolaty/ fruity/ buttery.
3. It looks dry/ small/ big/ moist.
4. It taste sweet/ salty/ sour/ bitter.
5. It sounds crunchy/ crispy/ crackly/ no sound.

Tip for parents: Use different type of foods and ask the children to describe it using the above vocabulary.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Sorting fruits and vegetables

As per the science curriculum, Sorting Activity was conducted. Different/Various picture cards of fruits and vegetables were put on the floor. The students had to pick any one picture card and stand under the following heads - FRUITS and VEGETABLES. Besides this, the importance of eating fruits and vegetables was discussed.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Lohri celebrations

Lohri festival symbolizes energy & warmth. Children celebrated the festival with enormous joy & enthusiasm. They enjoyed singing & dancing around the bonfire. They Prayed for peace , prosperity and happiness.


Holi celebration