Monday 30 March 2020

New story activity by times of india

Greetings from Times of India!!

We have collaborated with Penguin India on our TOI Student Facebook Page. It's a New Day, New Author, New story activity.
Everyday at 6.30 pm, a popular author will come online and do an activity for kids/teens for half an hour. We have uploaded the news and agenda on our website and on the FB home page.

Subaha Sharma(Times Of India)

Monday 2 March 2020

Holiday Lessons- Monthly activity

Monthly activity- ‘Holiday Lessons’ was conducted. Students spoke a few lines in English about their holiday experiences with their loved ones.

1st position- Kavyansh Singh Bisht, Advit Khandelwal
2nd position- Panshul Mittal, Ayansh Aggarwal
3rd position- Aarav Sachdeva

Sunday 1 March 2020

Making dinosaur habitat- Swamp

Learners might think that all dinosaurs lived at the same time and in the same place. In fact, dinosaurs lived at different times and in different places of parts of the world. Also within the same time period, the dinosaurs lived in different habitats, depending on their diet, features and preferences.

Dinosaurs habitats included the banks of rivers and near the sea where there was vegetation and moisture. They also lived in forests, swamp and grasslands.

The students made a dinosaur swamp with mud, water and toy dinosaurs.

Holi celebration