Friday 30 August 2019

Lady beetle addition

As a part of Maths curriculum, addition activity was conducted. The students placed the black dots on the lady beetle to show the answer to the addition number sentence. This hands on activity is great for our tactile learners who need to feel and manipulate to understand and solve.

For parents: Use the words ‘Add’ ‘Total’ while adding objects.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Mad with Add- Addition with objects

As a part of Maths curriculum, Addition concept was given using beads. Each child was asked to count the different coloured beads and add them in a total. This hands on activity is great for our tactile learners who need to feel and manipulate to understand and solve.

For parents: Use the words ‘Add’ ‘Total’ while adding objects.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Speckled frogs- Rhyme recitation and inactment

As a part of Maths curriculum, Five little speckled frogs rhyme was recited and enacted in class. The children will be able to count forward and backward. With good counting skills, children can count ‘how many’ accurately in a set. They will also be able to develop the ability to substise, which involves judging how many there are in a small set without counting.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Find my sound- Phonics activity

As a part of English curriculum, random pictures and letters were scattered on the table. The child had to pick up a picture and it’s initial sound card. The activity helped children to strengthen their knowledge of phonics in the play way method.

Holi celebration